Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Google says on Optimization

Google Talks About Optimization Across All Channels

Google’s Avinash KaushikAvinash Kaushik, digital selling evangelist at Google, took the stage at SES Toronto this morning to speak selling program optimization across all channels. Where will we discover audiences we have a tendency to care concerning folks} that care concerning us? Once we have a tendency to connect with these people, how will we have a tendency to best influence them?

Through a series of entertaining stories, he shared tips for marketers in want of stronger thanks to connect, largely through a shift in your selling mentality to multi-touch attribution. It’s not onerous to check why they decision him an evangelist; Kaushik had the standing-room solely crowd hanging on his each word throughout the whole keynote. His passion and creativity in turning out with distinctive ways of measurement provide nice insights for marketers.

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Google’s Avinash Kaushik Talks Optimization Across All Channels

Friday, May 25, 2012

Life After Google Penguin – Going Beyond the Name

Life After Google Penguin

In looking back at my recent posts here it seems, though not by design, there was a theme emerging. Have a look...
·         Google Penalty or Algorithm Change: Dealing With Lost Traffic – Explains the difference between penalties, filers and dampeners (as well as things you can do).
·         SEO & Google: The Ugly Truth – Discusses spammy and quality SEO.
Life After Google Penguin·         Negative SEO: Looking for Answers from Google – Deals with the seeming potential for problems created by competitors.
And that was all pre-Penguin no less. Seems my Spidey-sense was tingling. The world of search engine optimization just keeps getting more convoluted. Now more than ever, very little is clear.
To date I have not touched upon the Penguin update because, well, we just didn't know. There wasn't enough data to say much. Of course that really hasn't changed, but there are a few things we can certainly look at to help better understand the situation at hand.
But let's give it a go anyway shall we?

A Name is Just a Name

The first thing we need to consider is that there are numerous Google algorithm updates, some of which aren't named. In the weeks before the infamous Penguin rolled out, there was a Panda hit and another link update. The three of them, being within a five-week period, makes a lot of the analysis problematic.
And that's the point worth mentioning. Don't try too hard to look for dates and names. Look more to the effects.
We're here to watch the evolution of the algos and adapt accordingly. Named or not, doesn't matter. Sure, it can be great for diagnosing a hit, but beyond that, it means little.
Regardless of the myriad of posts on the various named updates, none of us really know what is going on. That's where the instinct part of the job comes in. Again, knowing the evolution of search, goes a long way.

What is Web Spam?

To understand how web spam is defined, you need to look at how search engineers view SEO. While there are many, I like this:
“any deliberate human action that is meant to trigger an unjustifiably favorable relevance or importance for some web page, considering the page's true value.” (from Web Spam Taxonomy, Stanford)
“Most SEOs claim that spamming is only increasing relevance for queries not related to the topic(s) of the page. At the same time, many SEOs endorse and practice techniques that have an impact on importance scores to achieve what they call "ethical" web page positioning or optimization. Please note that according to our definition, all types of actions intended to boost ranking, without improving the true value of a page, are considered spamming.” (emphasis mine)
Well la-dee-da huh? We can intimate that Google has eased that stance by trying to define white hat and black hat, but at the end of the day any and all manipulation is seen in a less than favorable light.
The next part of your journey is to establish in your mind what types of activities are commonly seen as web spam. Here's a few:

·         Link manipulation: Paid links, hidden, excessive reciprocal, shady links etc.
·         Cloaking: Serving different content to users and Google.
·         Malware: Serving nastiness from your site.
·         Content: Spam/keyword stuffing, hidden text, duplication/scraping.
·         Sneaky JavaScript redirects.
·         Bad neighborhoods: Links, server, TLD.
·         Doorway pages.
·         Automated queries to Google: Tools on your site, probably a bad idea.

That's about the core of the main offenders. To date with the Penguin update, people have been mostly talking about links. Imagine that... SEOs obsessed with links!
However, we should go a bit deeper and surely consider the other on-site aspects. If not on yoursite, then on the site links are coming from.

On-site Web Spam

Hopefully most people reading this, those with experience in web development and SEO (or running websites), don't use borderline tactics with their sites. We do know there is certainlyelements of on-site with both the Penguin and Panda updates... so it's worth looking at.
Here are some common areas search engines look at for on-site web spam:
·         Domain: Some testing has shown that .info and .biz domains are far more spam laden than more traditional TLDs.
·         Words per page: Interestingly it seems spam pages have more text than non-spam pages (although over 1,500 words, the curve receded). Studies have shown the spam sweet spot to be in the 750-1,500 word region.
·         Keywords in title: This was mentioned in more than a few papers and should be high on the audit list. Avoid stuffing; be concise.
·         Anchors to Anchor text: In other studies engineers looked at the ratio of text, to anchor text on a page.
·         Percentage of visible text: This involves hidden text and nasty ALT text. What percentage of text is actually being rendered on the page.
·         Compressibility: As a mechanism used to fight keyword stuffing, search engines can also look at compression ratios. Or more specifically, repetitious or content spinning.
·         Globally popular words: Another good way to find keyword stuffing is to compare the words on the page to existing query data and known documents. Essentially if someone is keyword stuffing around given terms, they will be in a more unnatural usage than user queries and known good pages.
·         Query spam: By looking at the pattern of the queries, in combination with other signals, behavioral data manipulation would become statistically apparent.
·         Phrase-based: looking for textual anomalies in the form of related phrases. This is like keyword stuffing on steroids. Looking for statistical anomalies can often highlight spammy documents.
·         Globally popular words: Another good way to find keyword stuffing is to compare the words on the page to existing query data and known documents. Essentially if someone is keyword stuffing around given terms, they will be in a more unnatural usage than user queries and known good pages.
(some snippets taken from my post "Web Spam; the Definitive Guide")
And yes, there's actually more. The main thing to take from this is that there are often many ways that the search engines look at on-site spam, not just the obvious ones. Once more, this is about your site and the sites linking to you.
A lot of on-site web spam that's a true risk, will be from hacking. Sure, your CMS might be spitting out some craziness, or your WordPress plug-in created a zillion internal links, but those are the exceptions. If you're using on-site spam tactics, I am sure you know it. Few people actually use on-site crap post-Panda, many times it's the site being hacked that causes issues. So be vigilant.

Link Spam

Is the Penguin update all about links? I'd go against the grain and say no. Not only do we have to consider some of the above elements, but also there seems to be an element of 'trust' and authority at play here as well. If anything, we may be seeing a shift away from the traditional PageRank model of scoring, which of course many may perceive as a penalty, due to links.
But what is link spam? That answer has been a bit of a moving target over the years, but here are some common elements:
·         Link stuffing: Creating a ton of low-value pages and point all the links (even on-site) to the target page. Spam sites tend to have a higher ratio of these types of unnatural appearances.
·         Nepotistic links: Everything from paid links to traded ones, (reciprocal) and three-way links.
·         Topological spamming (link farms): Search engines will look at the percentage of links in the graph compared to known "good" sites. Typically those looking to manipulate the engines will have a higher percentage of links from these locales.
·         Temporal anomalies: Another area where spam sites generally stand out from other pages in the corpus are in the historical data. There will be a mean average of link acquisition and decay with "normal" sites in the index. Temporal data can be used to help detect spammy sites participating in unnatural link building habits.
·         TrustRank: This method has more than a few names, TrustRank being the Yahoo flavor. The concept revolves around having "good neighbors". Research shows that good sites link to good ones and vice versa.
(some snippets taken from my post "Web Spam; the Definitive Guide")
I could spend hours on each of these, but you get the idea. With many people are theorizing about networks, anchor texts, etc... the larger picture often evades us. There are so many ways that Google might be dealing with 'over optimization' that we're not talking about.
The last 18 months or so we have seen a lot of changes including the spate of unnatural-linking messages that went out. Again, Penguin or not doesn't matter. What matters is that Google is certainly looking harder at link spam, so you should be too.
It wouldn't hurt to keep a tinfoil hat handy as well… Look no further than this Microsoft patent that talks about spying on SEO forums. Between that and the fact that SEOs write about their tactics far and wide, it's not exactly hard for search engineers to see what we're up to.

How Are We Adapting in a Post-Penguin World?

What's it all mean? Well I haven't a bloody clue. Anyone who says they've got it sorted, likely needs to take their head out of a certain orifice.
What you should do is become more knowledgeable in how search engines work and the history of Google. Operate from intelligence, not ignorance.
Have you considered the elements outlined in this post when analyzing data and trying to figure out what's going on? I know I didn't. It was researching this post that reminded me of the myriad of various spam signals Google might look at.
Here's some of my thinking so far:

·         It really is a non-optimized world: Don't try too hard for that perfect title. Avoid obsessing over on-page ratios. You don't need that exact match anchor all the time, in fact you don't even need a link (think named entities). In many ways, less-is-more is the call of the day.
·         Keep a history: Be sure to always track everything. And when doing link profile or other types of forensic audits, compare fresh and historic data (such as in Majestic).
·         Watch on-site links: From internal link ratios to anchors and outbound links, they all matter. From spam signals to trust scoring, they can potentially affect your site.
·         Faddish: Another interesting thing, how much it plays into things we know not, was that Google might have an issue of the tactic du jour.
·         Watch your profile: In the new age of SEO it likely pays to be tracking your link profiles. If something malicious pops up, deal with it and make notes of dates and contact attempts.
·         On site: Hammer it and make it squeaky clean. The harder links get, the more one needs to watch the on-site. Schedule audits more frequently to watch for issues.
·         Topical-relevance: When looking at links think about topical-relevance. Are the links coming from sites/pages that are overly diverse (and have weak authority)?
·         Link ratios: Watch for a low spread in anchor texts as well as total links vs. referring domains (lower the better, it means less site-wide links generally).
·         Cleaning up: When possible look at link profiles and clean up suspect links. And I wouldn't wait until you get an unnatural linking message or tanked rankings.
We've seen a ton of data (this one is interesting) since this all went down and while there are common elements, nothing is conclusive (again, there have been a spate of updates). What is more important is to understand what Google wants and where they're headed. It's just another step in the long road of search evolution, don't get caught up in the names.
Taking the easy way out rarely works for success in life. SEO is no different.
Understand how a threshold might be used. This thing of ours is like the old story of the two of us in the woods when a hungry bear appears. I don't have to outrun the bear; just you. Ensure your strategy is within a safe threshold and it should work out just fine.

It's About Time

To close out there is the one part of this that keeps nagging; history. If you've been squashed by the recent updates (including Penguin) it may not entirely be about recent activities. There is a sense that Google is indeed keeping a history and that this may be playing into the large scheme of things.
Some of the most interesting Google patents were the series on historical elements. Be sure to go back and read some of these older posts:
·         Spam detection using historical factors
·         Link builders guide to Historical rankng factors
·         Understanding historical ranking factors for content creation/management plans
·         Do link spammers leave footprints?
Sure, they're 3-4 years old, but it is probably some of the more telling parts of the mindset change many in the world of SEO need.
Source Article - SearchEngineWatch.com

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Optimize your Website for Mobile Search

It is not solely net designers and developers, who ought to adapt to webcomake changes to their ways and techniques, if they require to capture the lucrative mobile search market. Mobile search could be a constantly growing section of the market, that is sweet news. However, mobile search has its own rules and that they are quite totally different from the principles of ancient desktop search. this is often why if you do not wish to miss mobile searchers, you wish to adapt to their necessities. Here are some important rules to contemplate when optimizing for mobile search:

1 Mobile Searchers Use Shorter Keyphrases/Keywords

Optimize your Website for Mobile Search
Mobile users look for shorter keyphrases, or perhaps only for keywords. Even mobile devices with QWERTY keyboards are awkward for typing long texts and this is often the rationale why mobile searchers typically are terribly temporary in their search queries. fairly often the search question is restricted to solely a pair of or perhaps one words. As a result, if you do not rank well for shorter keyphrases (unfortunately, they're additionally additional competitive), then you'll be missing plenty of mobile traffic.

2 Mobile Search Is Mainly Local Search

Mobile users search principally for native stuff. additionally to shorter search keyphrases, mobile searchers are domestically targeted. it's simple to know - when a user is standing within the street and is probing for an area to dine, he or she is possibly probing for things within the neighborhood, not in another corner of the planet. Searches like “pizza fifth Avenue” are quite well-liked, that makes native search results even additional necessary to think about.

3 Current Data Rules in Mobile Search

Sports results, news, weather, monetary data are among the foremost well-liked mobile search classes. the most topics and niches mobile users like are quite restricted however once more, they revolve around places to eat or search within the space, sports results, news, weather, market data, and different similar topics where timing and placement are key. If your website is in one amongst these niches, then you actually ought to optimize it as a result of if your website isn't mobile-friendly likelihood is you're losing guests. you'll even contemplate having 2 separate versions of your website – one for desktop searchers and one for mobile searchers.

4 In Mobile Search, Top 10 Is Actually Top 3

Users hate to scroll down long search pages or hit Next, Next, Next. Desktop searchers are not keen on scrolling endless pages either however in mobile search the restrictions are even additional severe. A page with ten search results fits on the screen of a desktop however on a mobile device it'd be split into a pair of or additional screens. Therefore, in mobile search, it's not prime ten, it's additional prime four, or perhaps prime three as a result of solely the primary three or four positions are on the primary page and have a better probability to draw in the user's attention while not having to travel to future page.

5 Promote Your Mobile-Friendly Site

Submit your website to major mobile search engines, mobile portals, and directories. it's nice if your guests come back from Google and therefore the different major search engines however if you wish to induce even additional traffic, mobile search engines, mobile portals, and directories are even higher. For currently these mobile resources work nice to bring mobile traffic, thus do not neglect them. fairly often a mobile user does not search with Google, however goes to a portal he or she is aware of. If your website is listed with this portal, the user can come back on to you from there, not from a quest engine. The case with directories is analogous – i.e. if you're optimizing the location of a pizza restaurant, then you ought to submit it to any or all directories where pizza restaurants and restaurants normally for your location are listed.

Mobile Search
6 Follow Mobile Standards

Mobile search standards are quite totally different and if you wish your website to be spiderable, you wish to suits them. Check the rules of W3C to ascertain what mobile standards are. albeit your website does not suits mobile standards, it'll still be listed in search results however it'll be transcoded by the search engine and therefore the result may well be pretty surprising to ascertain. Transcoders convert sites to a mobile format however this is often not drained a classy manner and therefore the output can be very unbelievable – and everything however mobile-friendly.

7 Don't Forget Meta.txt
Meta.txt is a special file, where you briefly describe the contents of your site and point the user agent to the most appropriate version for it. Search engine spiders directly index the meta.txt file (provided it is located in the root directory), so even if the rest of your site is not accessible, you will still be included in search results. Meta.txt is similar to robots.txt in desktop search but it also has some similarity with metatags because you can put content it it (as you do with the Description and Keywords metatags). The format of the meta.txt file iscolon delimited (as is the format of robots.txt). Each field in the file has the following syntax form <fieldname>:<value>. One of the advantages of meta.txt is that it is easily parsed by humans and search engines.

8 No Long Pages for Mobile Searchers
Use shorter texts because mobile users don't have the time to read lengthy pages. We already mentioned that mobile searchers don't like lengthy keyphrases. Well, they like lengthy pages even less! This is why, if you can make a special, shorter mobile version of your site, this would be great. Short pages don't mean that you should skip your keywords, though. Keywords are really vital for mobile search, so don't exclude them but don't keyword stuff, either.

9 Predictive Search Is Popular With Mobile Searchers
Use phrases, which are common in predictive search. Predictive search is also popular with mobile searchers because it saves typing effort. This is why, if your keywords are among the common predictive search results, this seriously increases your chances to be found. It is true that predictive search keywords change from time to time and you can't always follow them but you should at least give it a try.

10 Preview Your Site on Mobile Devices
Always check how your site looks on a mobile device. With the plethora of devices and screen sizes it is not possible to check your site on absolutely every single device you can think of, but if you can check it at least on a couple of the most important ones, this is more than nothing. Even if you manage to get visitors from mobile search engines, if your site is shown distorted on a mobile screen, these visitors will run away. Transcoding is one reason why a site gets distorted, so it is really a good idea to make your site mobile-friendly instead of to rely on search engines to transcode it and make it a design nightmare in the process.
Mobile search is relatively new but it is a safe bet that it will get a huge boost in the near future. If you are uncertain whether your particular site deserves to be optimized for mobile devices or not, use AdWords Keyword Research Tool to track mobile volumes for your particular keywords. If the volumes are high, or if a particular keyword is doing remarkably well in the mobile search segment, invest more time and effort to optimize for it.


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