Saturday, September 20, 2014

Google Banned Guest Blogging for SEO

SEO Guest Blogging

Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop. Why? Because over time it’s become a more and more spammy practice, and if you’re doing a lot of guest blogging then you’re hanging out with really bad company.  Ultimately, this is why we can’t have nice things in the SEO space: a trend starts out as authentic. Then more and more people pile on until only the barest trace of legitimate behavior remains. We’ve reached the point in the downward spiral where people are hawking “guest post outsourcing” and writing articles about “how to automate guest blogging.

So stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done; it’s just gotten too spammy. In general I wouldn’t recommend accepting a guest blog post unless you are willing to vouch for someone personally or know them well. Likewise, I wouldn’t recommend relying on guest posting, guest blogging sites, or guest blogging SEO as a linkbuilding strategy.
For historical reference, I’ll list a few videos and links to trace the decline of guest articles. Even back in 2012, I tried to draw a distinction between high-quality guest posts vs. spammier guest blogs:

Friday, September 19, 2014

How Social Media Improves Your Search Ranking

Why Social Media SEO?

It’s not enough to have a popular website with good content anymore. If you want better search engine results for your business, it’s time to look at how social media influences those results. It used to be that SEO revolved around two things: using the right keywords, and the number of authoritative sites that linked back to your content via inbound links.

Then social media came along and changed everything.

Search engines have begun to incorporate social signals (Facebook likes, retweets, +1s and so on) to inform their search results. The following articles dig a little deeper and explain what you need to do to make sure you succeed at social media and SEO.

6 Reasons Social Media Is Critical to Your SEO: If you need more clarity on how SEO and social work together, Stephanie Frasco explains on Social Media Today that the old days of website marketing are over and Google has found a newer, smarter way to measure the popularity of your website—social media.

How to Succeed at SEO With Social Media Marketing: On ExactTarget Amanda Nelson likens SEO and social media to peanut butter and jelly, the idea being that the two need each other to succeed. Dig in and enjoy the nuggets of wisdom and some best practices shared in a conversation between Amanda and her guest, Ray Grieselhuber.

How Social Media Improves Your Search Ranking

Know More - How to Succeed at SEO With Social Media Marketing

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Major Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Fails

Content Marketing

Content Maketing fails because we really don't have a clue what it means. Imagine the word combination we all recognize and understand: 'consumer marketing'. In that light, what does 'content marketing' mean???? Does it mean that we use content to built a customer/consumer preference?? What's new about that? Isn't that what we have been doing in marketing for more that a decade? Does is mean that we aim to develop lasting customer/client relationships? Isn't that what we have been doing in sals for more than a century? 

Does it mean that we have all become very confused by the (interaction) opportunities Internet is offering us and we would like to bundle this with the confusing term 'content marketing'? But what more is is than everything we have always done before in sales and marketing? Should we than expect more from it like instant sales after a product article has surfaced on the net? Guess not.

Social Media Cheat Sheet Codes Inforgraphics

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat – Social Media Cheat Sheet [INFOGRAPHIC]

So you want to get started on social media.

Smart move. But which social network is right for you?
Facebook, for example, has more than one billion users, and it’s likely most of your friends already use it. Does that make it the best platform for you? Maybe, but if you’re interested in news Twitter might be a better choice. Equally, LinkedIn is the professional’s network (and great for jobseekers), while Instagram and Pinterest are an excellent choice for photo/visual fans.

Snapchat? Well, your mom isn’t going to be on there, and that might count for something.
Check the visual below for an easy-to-read social media cheat sheet, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn and Snapchat, which comes courtesy of Likeable.

Social Media Cheat Sheet Codes Inforgraphics



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