Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How to Succeed at SEO With Social Media Marketing

Like syrup and pancakes or peanut butter and jelly, search engine optimization and social media are made for each other. Your website and social media channels must work together with keyword-rich content. If it helps attract search engines, it will help your search rankings and therefore increase the amount of eyeballs.
SEO With Social Media Marketing

To learn how to make this happen for your brand, I talked to Ray Grieselhuber, CEO and co-founder of Ginzamarkets, Inc. and the Ginzametrics Enterprise SEO Platform.

Hi Ray. Why now, more than ever, is SEO important for marketers?

If you look at the way brands are found online via organic media, the two biggest channels are overwhelmingly search and social. SEO is much more than just ranking well in Google. It's a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to website optimization that ensures potential customers who come to your site will have a good experience, find what they are looking for, and have an easy time sharing your high-quality content.
Visitors from organic search have some of the highest conversion and LTV rates across any channel in digital marketing. When you combine well-orchestrated social campaigns with ongoing search optimization, you are creating leverage and a long-term competitive advantage.

How can social media help?

Until recently, search and social media were thought of as two very different things. At GinzaMetrics, we've always thought of them as two sides of the same coin. As a brand, you can reach customers with paid advertising or organic content. We believe, and our data backs this up, that customers via organic content are much better customers to have over the long run. And when you start mixing paid and organic, the combined lift is overwhelmingly better than paid channels alone.
So, within the context of organic marketing, social media is your primary engine for promoting new content. Effectively organizing your social campaigns and tying them together with new content on your site, optimized for search, can take you from zero visibility to a strong performing position almost overnight.

What are some best practices for incorporating SEO into your social efforts?

Pay attention to the basics first: have high quality content, well-structured pages, follow all of the best practices for SEO. Then look at the metadata that affects how well your content is shared on social media channels, specifically Open Graph tags, proper use of images, authorship metadata (for Google Plus and search results) and more. Finally, you need to learn from your activities, so make sure you have metrics put into place to analyze your performance and see where there is room for improvement.

What do you see as the future of SEO in relation to social media?

I see SEO and social media, as channels, all following under the larger umbrella of organic marketing (which includes content marketing). There is no reason for them to be separated and as budgets further evolve, both the practice of organic marketing and also the supporting technology platforms in the industry will quickly improve to support this new reality.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Does Recent Google Update Indicate End?

What are you hoping for when you search for something on Google?

Are you looking for a site that deployed every SEO tip and trick to game their way to the top of the list? Or a site that has relevant, reliable, authoritative content?
Most likely it is the latter, and it seems Google may want that too. If it happens to represent the antithesis of the results of good SEO, that's just fine with Google. They don't make a nickel on your optimized site and they are worried that users may become underwhelmed with their search results if the only links appearing above the fold are those not with the best content but with those deploying the most effective examples of chicanery we know as "SEO."

SEO tip and trick
When Google in 2013 stopped providing data about keyword popularity, this must have served as a shot across the bow of SEO. It signaled that Google wanted to put a damper on SEO because they had determined it was skewing the results in a way unhelpful to its users.
In the "old" days, SEO was a matter of stuffing your metatags with top keywords; then it became more complicated as Google continued to refine its search algorithm. The current state of SEO, in rather sober fashion, calls for "quality content," no keyword stuffing, longevity of the domain, lack of duplicate content, a well-ordered site-map and other items more esoteric. Really, it's become more about just building a great site with great (and focused) content. Phony inbound links are not supposed to cut it anymore, although sometimes this can slip by undetected.
SEO is a big industry. According to a site called State of Digital, 863 million websites mention SEO globally and every second 105 people search for SEO links on Google. Most of them seem to be looking for "services" or "companies," which explains how there came to be so many SEO companies.
SEO is also an industry full of promises. Despite evidence to the contrary, many SEO mavens continue to insist they can fool the Google algorithm into getting your site - no matter what it is - higher in the rankings. That it is easy to see whether it works when you search for your own company makes it an appealing payoff. But the waters of SEO remain murky and it's difficult to measure success of SEO in any meaningful way (in other words, even if you got to the top, did it improve your business or did you just accumulate a very high bounce rate?).
Now SEO may be going the way of Megalodon, a 100-foot shark rumored to exist but mostly accepted to have gone extinct a million years ago. If it isn't functionally dead, it's certainly in the sick-house. Google does not especially want the SEO industry playing games with its rankings, and what Google wants, especially in a case like this, Google gets.
Customers still ask for "top keyword" reports as if they have not read the news about the unavailability of it - perhaps because they believe that if you wish hard enough for a pony on Christmas, one will eventually find its way under the tree.
It isn't going to happen.
Certain SEO principles should not be ignored, simply as a matter of site-hygiene. A well-organized, content-rich site is a good thing to have. But most other SEO tricks and tips have just a little bit (if not a lot) of snake-oil in the recipe. It sounds like a great proposition to a site owner: Drink a bottle of SEO and your site will zoom vigorously to the top of the heap. But too often, and partly because Google does not seem to want it to, it doesn't work as advertised.
There is no good reason for Google to stop trying to stamp out SEO, because in effect, SEO damps the quality of search results for the user. Google is interested in the user - and, as you might have guessed already, it reduces the value of a paid AdWord link. Because Google AdWords is a form of SEO, which really is SEM (search engine marketing); in other words, you optimize your site's Google performance by bidding on Google keywords whereby Google makes pretty much all of its money.
SEO is not going to get easier. It's going to get harder and eventually will most likely be next to impossible - because Google's algorithms are always a step ahead of the marketers trying to game them. And with no keyword reporting, a major support system for SEO has been, quite simply, taken away. If you want to rank high on Google, build a good site and market it the best you know how. Just don't expect SEO to be the answer to your traffic-related prayers because, increasingly, it won't be.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

SEO Christmas Song - Jingle bells cover "Analyze Optimize"

Performed by your fellow SEO-geeks: 14 days ago we began writing a SEO-Christmas song on a napkin while having lunch at the office. This is what it ended up with ;-) Merry Christmas to all the SEOs, webmasters & online marketers around the world :-) (remember to watch in HD). 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

It’s Not an SEO’s Job to Create Content

SEO’s Job to Create Content

For some reason, as SEOs we think it is our job to do everything. Content marketing has quickly grown in popularity within the digital marketing industry and of course we SEOs have deemed this our responsibility. However, it’s not an SEO’s job to create content.

I want to explain why we SEOs should stop trying to take on content creation so we can get back to focusing on making websites perform better in search.

Content Creation Is Hard

Creating content is freakin’ hard. Successful content doesn’t happen by accident – a lot of hard work, creativity, and planning goes into effective content marketing. As SEOs we commonly underestimate the amount of effort involved in creating popular content. Creating compelling and engaging content requires a full team of skilled individuals. The content creation process has many facets and a proper content team will consist of employees from multiple backgrounds. Some of these people include:
  • Writers
  • Editors
  • Graphic designers/artists
  • Web developers
  • Videographers
  • Etc.
Assuming SEOs can fulfill the roles of all these people by themselves is a huge mistake. Finding a single person that excels in all the various areas required to create successful content on a consistent basis is highly unlikely. Outstanding content is typically the product of a coordinated team effort. Moreover, the skills necessary for content creation aren’t naturally found within an SEO. Some SEOs may have those skills, but they traditionally aren’t there.

Even if you were somehow able to handle all these various aspects alone, it would still take a great deal of time. Content creation takes time – time that SEOs typically do not have. If we were to focus all our time on content creation it wouldn’t leave much time to do actual optimization work.
Regularly crafting successful content takes a dedicated team of skilled people from a variety of backgrounds. Attempting to replicate this with a single person or group of people with a single skillset and lack of necessary training is foolish. As SEOs we should simply leave the content creation to those who are better equipped to execute it effectively. That doesn’t mean, however, that we shouldn’t be involved.

We Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Collaborate

Another thing we need to learn as SEOs is that it’s alright to collaborate with others.
Let’s be honest, SEO as an industry hasn’t always been portrayed in the most flattering light to the general public, and it seems every year we see a new article on a major publication declaring SEO is dead.

So it’s no surprise that SEOs tend to be a bit defensive about our industry and work. However, this does not mean we cannot work effectively with people in other marketing disciplines. If we want to become legitimate marketers, SEOs need to learn to collaborate with other departments. Successful online marketing is comprehensive and incorporates aspects from multiple digital strategies (SEO, content marketing, PPC, PR, etc.). SEOs can maximize their efficiency by combining efforts with other online marketers – specifically those in content marketing.
Now let’s be clear, SEO and content marketing are two completely different practices.

Although SEO and content marketing are indeed separate strategies, they are also complementary. Specifically, content marketing can really supercharge link-building - leveraging great content is the easiest way to build real and worthwhile links. Especially considering content specialists aren’t always the best at promoting content – this is where SEOs can help.

But commonly SEOs make the mistake of assuming too much responsibility. We know that content can boost link-building efficiency so we decide it should be our job to create that content and make life easier for ourselves. Unfortunately by doing this we tend to spread ourselves too thin, which leads to shoddy content and is also detrimental to our SEO work. We’ve all seen really bad content made by SEOs trying to build links – many SEOs simply don’t have the skills needed to create great content.

If we would simply collaborate more with those in other marketing disciplines it would not only make our job easier, but more effective. Content creation should be left to those who are qualified to do it. Just like SEO, content creation requires precise skills and training, and SEOs lack that proficiency.
However, this does not necessarily mean SEOs should be completely removed from the content creation process – the key is collaboration. As SEOs we have unique insights into how content might perform, and it is important that we remain involved in the process to offer this perspective. SEOs can be particularly helpful during the content ideation process by:
  • Offering content suggestions based on past performance (links) of existing content
  • Analyzing the competition’s content to see what has worked in the past
  • Evaluating niches to identify potential content gaps that could be filled
Brian Dean wrote about a similar process which he refers to as the "skyscraper technique" here.
SEOs possess the analytical minds and skills to contribute to content ideation. The actual content creation should still be left up to the experts, but SEOs can certainly provide assistance to the content ideation process in an advisory role.
Effective online marketing requires a holistic approach, and consequently open collaboration between numerous digital marketing specialists.

SEOs Don’t Need to Create Content

Finally, SEOs don’t need to create content. When we let the content creation specialists handle the creation of content, it allows us to focus on what we do best – SEO. Once excellent content has been created we can concentrate on optimizing that content for search. This is much more in our wheelhouse as SEOs excel at optimizing and promoting content.

For example, take a great piece of content like this from


It’s a map of trails recommended by Jeep. This is an incredible piece of content that should have a large number of inbound links and linking domains right? Wrong, according to Open Site Explorer this content has just seven linking domains:


This is a perfect example of where superb content has already been created, but not heavily promoted. This is precisely where an experienced SEO could step in and leverage this content for the links it deserves. Furthermore, while exceptional content can maximize SEO effort in terms of link-building, content is not wholly necessary for building links. It can be a bit more difficult, but it’s certainly not impossible to build links without content.

SEOs should focus on optimizing for search, and the activities and techniques that achieve SEO goals. Although crafting high-grade content can be beneficial for SEO in many respects, the true potential of that content will never be realized without an SEO helping guide the process and promoting afterward.


SEO has its own merit and value, and it is not dependent on content. The growth and development of content marketing has led many SEOs to assume they must create content as well. However, this is not true – not only is content creation something SEOs are ill-equipped to handle, but it’s simply not their responsibility. Identifying quality content and devising ways to leverage that content for worthwhile links has always been part of an SEO’s duties, but this does not require actual content creation. As SEOs we must learn to collaborate with other departments, like content creators, to achieve overarching marketing goals.

Traditionally, the skills necessary for content creation are not inherent in SEOs. Advising during content ideation and promoting first-class content once it’s produced are much more in our wheelhouse. SEOs should be an integral part of any online marketing initiative and by working with other departments effectively we can further demonstrate our value. Plainly stated the job of an SEO is to optimize for search, and that can involve content. But it’s not an SEO’s job to create content and we shouldn’t place this burden on our shoulders alone.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Major Best SEO Tactics You Never Hear in 2015

As search engines continue to evolve, marketers must improve their skills to keep up. According to reports 70 percent of the links search users click are from SEO. Also, inbound leads (i.e. SEO) cost 61 percent less than outbound leads (i.e. cold calling). SEO has a better return on investment (ROI) as well. "SEO leads have a 14.6 percent close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7 percent close rate," according to the same report. Now that you know SEO is the way to go, here are 11 SEO tactics that you need to know in 2015:

Major Best SEO Tactics

1. Creating Incredible Content That Earns Links

Even after all of the changes with the search engine algorithms, inbound SEO links are still the biggest influence for search engines. This is unlikely to change. On the other hand, other methods of link acquisition have changed. Earning a link from a high-quality, relevant website will not only help with your SEO but also with referral traffic, which can lead to more sales and brand exposure.

Creating incredible content that people will want to share is still the best way to earn links.

2. Co-Citation Links

Every time a search engine finds your website next to your competitors, it tells them that your company is in a related niche. To get co-citation links, do a search for "best" or "top 10" items in your niche.   Example: top 10 blue widgets

If you do this search and don’t find your business in the results, get in touch with the publisher and ask that your company be added to the list. Be prepared to justify why your company should be included and where appropriate, give them a summary to go along with a link.

3. Editorial Links

Editorial links can be some of the most powerful for SEO because they come from other publications in your niche mentioning your company. They can also come from thought leadership guest posts that you write and get published on third-party sites.

The easiest way to get editorial links is to create outstanding content that people will want to share with their readers. Another way is to guest post on a high-quality site that is in your niche. Be prepared to create incredible content that may be heavily scrutinized before publishing.
Interviews are another way to get editorial links.

As part of the interview, you should be allowed to cite your work in your responses. This can lead to even more backlinks and traffic.

4. The Broken Link-Building Method

Here’s another white-hat link-building strategy that can be quite effective. In this case, you’re actually helping publishers fix broken links, which can be helpful to their readers. However, this only works if your content is good enough to replace the lost content. To do the broken link-building method, you must find broken links on a site that is relevant to your niche. You then contact the webmaster with the broken link and recommend your site as an alternative to the broken link. To find out more, you can read the broken link-building Bible at the Moz blog.

5. Link Reclamation

Link reclamation can help you get fresh links by finding broken links to your site and having the publisher fix them.
  • Find brand mentions about your site and ask the publisher to add a link
  • Find places where your content has been used without attribution (places where people have used your post or infographics without giving you credit) and request a link from the person
According to Kristi Hines with, "A lot of people think of link reclamation as just 301'ing pages they have moved that still have a lot of great backlinks. But I like to think of reclamation as more than that. I like to think of it as not just reclaiming, but claiming links you deserve."  In order to make this automated, you can set up a Google Alert to email you whenever your company’s brand is mentioned. You can then check that page to find out if they link to your site.

6. Link Outreach

Link outreach is a bit "old school" but can still be quite powerful. To do this, find a website that is relevant to yours and get their contact information from the site. Send them an email or call and politely ask them for link. This works better if the site has a slightly different business than yours but may share a common audience.

7. Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is nothing new, and companies have been researching their competitor’s links for years. However, by looking at the competitor’s backlinks and manually reviewing which links are worth having, you can then perform a link outreach and try to get a link from the same referring site.

8. Focus on ROI Instead of Keyword Rankings

While we all enjoy seeing the keywords rank well in the search engines, this doesn’t necessarily mean your SEO campaign is successful. It’s possible to rank number one for many keywords that have no real ROI. Instead, you should focus on metrics that bring conversions.

9. Create an SEO Strategy That Maps to an Audience

Over the past few years, we’ve lost most of the keyword data in Google Analytics and other tools. This has required marketers to change from traditional methods of SEO to create new ways of segmenting their audiences. In order to do this we must find new keywords to focus on, new ways to approach neighboring markets, and determine where our competition is succeeding with SEO and how you can do it better. The days of stuffing keywords into bad content and having it rank are long gone. Now your content needs to focus on your target persona and your keywords need to flow within the content. This is why it’s so important that content and SEO be tied closely together.

10. Optimize for Yahoo, Bing, and Others

Search engines like Yahoo, Bing, and DuckDuckGo may slowly take a bigger piece of Google’s pie in 2015. Yahoo is now the default search engine for Firefox. Safari had a deal with Google, which is supposed to end in 2015, and Yahoo and Bing are both trying to become the default search engine for the browser. As other search engines become the default Web browsers instead of Google, it makes sense to optimize for those search engines as well.

11. Mobile SEO

Mobile is becoming more popular every year. Every website should have a mobile marketing strategy for 2015 and beyond. "May [2014] turned out to be a banner month for mobile as it delivered on some huge milestones which underscored just how impressive the medium’s ascendance has been in the past few years. Mobile platforms – smartphones and tablets – combined to account for 60 percent of total digital media time spent, up from 50 percent a year ago," says comScore.  Mobile should be a core part of any SEO plan in 2015. However, you must be cautious as configuration errors caused a 68 percent loss of traffic, according to BrightEdge.


Creating an SEO strategy can give your company and brand a boost in the search engines. Why not improve your ROI today?

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